Experience what
coffee can be


Our Story

Brew Coffee bar is an american style filter coffee shop with consistent, high quality and community being the main focus. Brew strives to elevate the standard of coffee while opening a dialogue to what it can be.  Whether it's a hot cup of coffee or an iced cold joe tea, Brew is a coffee bar offering drinks caffeinated or not local to the area. With coffee from CPNY in the big apple, loose leaf tea from moonlit Mantras, and boylan soda and seltzer; everything sold in shop is from just around the way.

Meet Brandon

Not long after Brandon started his first job as a barista he knew he wanted a shop of his own. When the global pandemic forced his most recent cafe to close; Brandon delved into the science and craft of preparing and serving coffee with certified classes through the SCA(specialty coffee Association) who sets the world standard of coffee.

"Espresso is a great method of preparing coffee, but I often find myself wanting a bit more liquid than a standard shot produces. I really enjoy the strength, sizing, and flavor profile with a traditional cup of coffee."

Brandon Castro

Owner at Brew


Certification badge in brewing from The Specialty Coffee Association



A scientific look at the essential elements of good brewing, what happens when brewing parameters are manipulated, and how to master navigation of the coffee brewing control chart.

Certification badge in Barista Skills from The Specialty Coffee Association

Barista Skills


A deep understanding of coffee itself, specifically the impact of a coffee’s variety, origins and processing methods on flavor when dialing in a brew recipe. Drink construction and taste differences; workflow management and efficiency.

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